Designing islamic microfinance Indigenous and applied models

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. in Islamic Economics

2 Professor of the Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought


During the past decade, microfinance has grown steadily in terms of conceptual scope, goals, institutions, practices and range of suppliers and applicants. Microfinance programs are now designed to response the different needs. The need to address the microfinance revolution and the need to design a system for financing Islamic micro finance in the country is undeniable.The present article by using statistical analysis methods, and according to the Islamic microfinance experiences try to make Applied and local models of microfinance. The present article by using statistical analysis methods, and according to the Islamic microfinance experiences try to make Applied and local models of microfinance.
By reviewing the microfinance literature and feasibility study of microfinance capacities through field survey and also quantitative content analysis, four Applied and local models designed to implement microfinance, which is: Microfinance institution based on (Hebat) and (Sadaqat), Microfinance institution based on (Zakat), Microfinance institution based on (Qarz-al-Hasanah) and Microfinance institution based on (Vaqf). Also, the various dimensions of these institutions, the legal and supervisory structure, Resource allocation and equipment, the methods of guarantee, and the supervising institution were designed in the framework of the Islamic banking system


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